HELLO! I”M BACK! Sorry for the long hiatus I have taken from my blog. Life has become overly busy and sometimes overwhelming, but at the same time, I have always enjoyed being busy.
What have I been up to? Just getting myself fully trained for the season and looking forward to each and every race. So far this year I have competed in three races: My first ever Dooby Du Duathlon in May, The Fox Island Sprint Triathlon in Fort Wayne, Indiana and the Ravenna, OH Dave’s Race Sprint Triathlon last weekend. I am happy and proud to say that I am three for three! I have won all three races and even though they have been small, It’s still the greatest feeling in the world.
I will continue to try to post each week on my blog and share with you the topics that are continuously on a triathlete’s mind . For right now, I am off to a swim/bike workout after work on a beautiful Friday afternoon!