Can’t win them all


Man oh man did I have a rude awakening this weekend!  I remembered the fact that you just can’t win every single race and sometimes you are taken down a few notches.

We did the Clark Lake, MI triathlon on Sunday and it was a .5 mile swim, 13 mile bike and a 4.2 mile run.   I went in with kind of a weird mindset because when the distances are slightly off like that, it messes up my mental game (which is no excuse).    The swim took off as dad and I joined the other swimmers in the elite group.  It felt fast and hard, very hard  but at the same time, I felt like I was keeping up.

I ended up crushing some people in the transition and passing them to head out on my bike a lot sooner than them.   The bike went well! I held off some of the fast men that I thought would dominate me from the beginning.

I ended up  doing pretty well in the next transition as well and headed out on the run at a good pace.  My goal was to run just under 7 minute pace and I  kept it just about right there.   It was very hot and humid and the run felt LONG but we made it through.

The entire race I felt like I was absolutely pushing myself to the very limit! I didn’t feel like I was holding back at all but little did I know, there was some really fast Denmark girl that beat me by 3 minutes!!!!! WHAT?!?! How can I have my best race and still get crushed by that much!??  Very frustrating but I also learned something from this.  This shows me that, no matter how hard I am working and training, I can ALWAYS go harder and faster.  I really need to push it and I have lots of goals already forming in my brain for next year- which is exciting!





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