What do I eat during race week?

Half Ironman Race Week Nutrition-Part 1

Well, I can’t say that it’s the perfect diet and I can’t say that I’m in any way a nutritionist, but here are some things I have eaten during this race week.

Monday:  Breakfast- two eggs and ground turkey and a side bowl of cereal with skim milk.  Lunch:  tuna packet and baked beans with some carrots and celery on the side.  Snack- chocolate milk  and a protein bar.  Dinner- bbq ribs, broccoli and a wedge salad with ranch.   THEN we went to the movies and  I did have some sour patch kids 🙂

Tuesday: Breakfast- Bagel with cream cheese on one half and peanut butter on the other with a banana on the side.  Lunch- grilled chicken with yellow and orange peppers and a small spoonful of pesto.  Finished lunch with a small cup-sized bowl of vanilla ice cream.  Snack- protein bar and greek yogurt.  Dinner- grilled chicken with peppers and pesto this time adding a cup of bowtie pasta.


So, again I’m not perfect at all and I’m not in any way a nutritionist, but I do love food!!! Stay tuned for Part 2 which will be night before and day of the race!

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